Mission Statement
Founded in 1953, The Art Center of Western Colorado is a regional arts organization dedicated to enriching lives by promoting the enjoyment and understanding of the arts.
Art Center Facts
The only resource in Mesa County and the region that provides:- Year round arts education programs for children and adults of all abilities and ages.
- An exhibition venue for students of all ages, local artists and art guilds.
- Exhibits by nationally and internationally renowned artists.
- More than 30 diverse art exhibits annually.
- A Permanent Collection that preserves Colorado’s rich history and culture.
Art Center Budget
- Average annual budget is 750,000
- The Art Center is financially supported through memberships, donations, sponsorships, local businesses, class tuition, grants, service organizations, art sales, facility rentals, Gift Shop revenue, admissions and fund raisers.
The Art Center is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by the Membership.
The Center is open Tuesday – Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm., and closed Mondays, Sundays, and some holidays.
Admission is free on Tuesdays.